“When Feline Fur Meets Paintbrush: A Heartbreaking Tale of Purple Paws”

Fortunately, Mr. Purple Paws had a stroke of luck when he narrowly avoided a terrible fate in Naples, Florida last May. Clewiston Animal Control found the little feline wandering the streets all by himself and took him to the Naples Cat Alliance. Megan Sorbara, assuming he was an abandoned stray, promptly took him under her care.

Upon further examination, volunteers made an interesting observation about the feline. Its paws and forehead had been painted purple, which led to its new name, ‘Mr. Purple Paws’. As an experienced animal rescuer, Sorbara had a hunch about what this could mean. It’s highly probable that the cat was utilized as ‘bait’ in dog fighting, which is a cruel and inhumane practice. In one of her Facebook posts, Sorbara explained how dog fighters use markers to color the white parts of cats and kittens so they can gamble on which color will die first. This type of behavior is unacceptable and a clear example of animal cruelty at its worst.

This kitty had a stroke of good fortune and managed to avoid being subjected to the cruel practice. The rescue workers who found him noticed that his physical health appeared to be in decent shape, leading them to believe that he fled before any violence erupted. They’ve named him Mr. Purple Paws.

Sorbara shared her reaction to Mr. Purple Paw’s story and how it affected her, despite her previous experience in animal rescue. She explained that although she had encountered many injured, neglected, and abused animals before, Mr. Purple Paw’s case was particularly disturbing to her.

Thankfully, this cute little pet is currently receiving the necessary love and attention at the Naples Cat Alliance. He will remain there until he finds a permanent home where he can finally settle down.

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