Outrage Police Dog Is Poured Glue On, Dip In The Mud Games

The image of the dog is given as a joke by filling glue and mud up people makes many people love animals indignant, laments.

Puppies are cute, this name is Pascal is found in Istabul, Turkey in a state of extremely pathetic. It is known that Pascal is the child of the joke when poured tape up all over and then dipped into the mud. After tormenting dog bored mode, the child left Pascal himself flailing helplessly in the mud.


Eyes fear of dogs Pascal poor

Pascal tried to use a little strength to finally wiped the layer of glue, sticky mud on the fur. However, the layer of mud this glue has dried hard on the fur, like a layer of ‘cement’ the back. The class of ‘cement’ cause the blood on the body dog pitiful no circulation is and forestry in critical condition.

Pascal is the child of the joke when poured tape up all over and then dipped into the mud.


Because of poor circulation should part the ears of the dog was gangrenous

Pascal hid himself in a corner because too scared. Thankfully, dog worthy to be a center employee relief dog cat detect and bring about healing. At this, the doctor had cut off the layer of ‘cement’ out of the skin Pascal. However, because of poor circulation should part the ears of the dog was gangrenous.

The doctor had cut off the layer of ‘cement’ out of the skin Pascal.

The doctor said Pascal suffer from malnutrition and psychological effects serious. Poor dog always feel afraid, just everything around.


Dog pitiful still very scared.

Next week, Pascal will continue to be tested for blood Pascal, preventing infectious diseases to this dog quickly back to life. Stories and photos about dogs Pascal is share has made many people pressing and condemn the child has caused “joke” evil on.

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