Meet A Cat Called Daisy: A Sassy Tuxedo Kitty With Adorable Markings


There’s something truly special when it comes to tuxedo cats. Most of them are black and gray, but there can be tabby and white, or even gray and white tuxedo cats, too. When it comes to our black and white tuxedo cat friends, there are many who are known for their cattitude—AKA cat attitude. So, when you combine that charming cattitude with adorable markings, you have yourself a cat just like this special little kitty called Daisy out of the United Kingdom. Her head markings sort of remind me of Mickey Mouse’s ears, and I just can’t get enough of her perfectly photogenic poses.

If you’ve got a soft spot for cute tuxedo cats, well, then something tells me that pretty little Daisy will be right up your alley. I caught up with her cat mom hoping to feature her on the site, and thankfully she agreed. So, keep reading to learn all about this cute cat with an equally cute name.

How did Daisy come into your life?

She was born here. Her mum Patch was here and had three kittens in that litter. She was the firstborn. Sadly her mum died from a hit and run 3 years ago. Daisy is 6 years old now.

How did Daisy get her name?

We looked at popular white and black cat names and liked the name ‘Daisy’ best for her.

What is her personality like?

She’s shy but won’t take any nonsense though.

Does she have any other cat or dog housemates at home?

Yes, his name is Tommy, and they keep their distance. (More on Ginger Tom here.)


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Daisy and Tom

What’s something special you’d like people to know about Daisy?

She’s a dinky sweet girl.

I’d like to give a special “thank you” to Daisy’s cat mum for allowing me to share her precious pics and story with all of the CattitudeDaily readers. For more on this sweet kitty, check her out on Instagram here. And if you know another cat lover who would enjoy seeing her pics, don’t forget to share.

All Images Courtesy of a_cat_called_daisy on Instagram


Gặp gỡ một chú mèo tên là Daisy: Một chú mèo tuxedo ngổ ngáo với những dấu hiệu đáng yêu


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